Err... no my face isn't red *blush*
Published on August 27, 2004 By Keo Lin In Health & Medicine
I have grown since I have been at uni/work. Kinda. I actually talk to people who I find attractive, yes men. Who would have thought even though I think they are spunky I can actually talk to them. Sure my face goes red, my heart beats faster and I feel like I am about to faint, but I can have a conversation with them. You may think oooo she must like him, but no, actually I get those same reactions when I am telling a consumer off at work, so it's just the effect of speaking louder than a whisper with authority... to a person who normally I wouldn't talk to. Or saying something I wouldn't normally say. Timid, quiet and shy describe me well, Introverted is rather apt. Yay! though as it is changing!!

Remarkably I have been called several interesting names and sacked by the consumers. But I'm still there and alive! It's quite weird having a student nurse with me. I don't mind, it's great, but less than a year ago it was me that was the student nurse!

I had a haircut/trim and five foils put into my hair, and no I can't get the radio... doh! I think though the colouring is lost in my hair as it all gets fizzy and wild so there is no distinction. But I know they are there so it's all good. I also had a waxing, of the monobrow that is to make it into two eyebrows. It wasn't a huge, obvious monobrow, but it was enough for the waxing to be VERY exciting! I think in the last 5 years? 1999-2004 I have waxed my eyebrows 3 times. Not because I like the monobrow look, I just can't tell when it needs to be done, I have "red hair" so my facial hair is light and I can have a forest growing before you can really see them...

I had something else to say but I forget what it is... Ahh well I do that lately

on Aug 27, 2004
hey keolin!! i'm so happy for you that work's going well, and i'm proud of you that you feel that you are growing up. well done on speaking with authority. and i hope you had fun preening -- aren't hairdressers and beauty therapists wonderful people? yaay

love teegs

ps. fizzy hair rocks!!