Don't snore too loud!!
Published on May 26, 2005 By Keo Lin In Blogging
So in the past two months what has been happening? Two months has passed in what has felt like 2 days.

I have got to know people at my work. A real eye opener. I went to a dinner for a chap who was moving areas. Nice indian food

I met my great uncle from holland. lovely man.

Used my duress at work for duress purposes, not just hitting it on a chair or filing cabinet. No one was hurt, but a rather nasty verbal exchange over cigarettes.

I went to the truck show nice sites there!!

Each time I have handed in certain assignment's (on their due dates), I have learnt that the majority of my class has been granted an extension... Doesn't seem fair to me in that, it's not one or two people, it's the whole class except 2-3 people... but i'm sure i will get over it.

I am planning on renovating my room, and this is going ahead as I have to start to pick paint colours and ideas for decoration. I have a few in mind I will get to do some stensilling!!

What have you been upto?

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