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Don't mind me, I'm an RN...
what's that?
Published on June 30, 2004 By
Keo Lin
"What time do you start?" "8:30am"....
I arrived at 8:15am, YEAH! I'm early!! I say bye to mum, give her a hug, get out of the car. Go up to the building and ask the receptionist, Marie, where to go. Go sit down, two people were already there (no alarm bells). I get handed out sheets of paper and one is the timetable for the first week. Start time: 8am.... First day and I'm late... fantastic start *thumbs up*
Then I found out that they had been watching from the window and thought I was dropped off br "my" hunky fella ( they couldnt see into the car) with the hopes "he" might get out. lol. So you can't hide anything. They were looking for people thinking maybet hey were in the carpark. At 8:15... again with the lateness.
After lunch there was talk about the history and other important information and I was falling asleep. Great first day impressions.
I went to see the NUM for the ward and he was away so I saw the CNC. Who I gave the wrong info to, couldnt remember dates and then had to call back to let him know. lol great way to meet your supervisor ;o)
I was late and falling asleep, in a room of four people that's something hard to "hide". I have my ID, great mugshot. Half a tree in paperwork and I feel more will be given to me tomorrow, lots to read and remember.
I caught the train home, I got lost walking to the station and did a lap of the hospital grounds lol. I found the train station eventually though so it's all good. ;o)
YAY "normal" days. I managed to not be late or confuse any future bosses. I dont feel tired when I get ome, but if I lay down for a nap I would sleep for a long while. Today we did CPR training and in front of class everyone was assessed. Talk about an "oral" ;o) The dummy had a removable face. You ripped out the nose and mouth piece, rather viscous!
I saw kangaroo's and wallabies(not the football team).
Funny cute:
Walking into work I saw a large grey kangaroo nibbling on the grass. He/she saw me and watched me until he/she felt unsafe (guess they dont like hugs ;o) and hopped away. Now this is "normal" but what the kangaroo did next says to me they have brains, seriously. He/she hid behind a tree and watched me walk past. I have never seen a kangaroo do that before. Hop away and to another spot, but not hide behind a tree and then watch me.
On the way out I saw a wallaby (who are smaller than kangaroo's) with a lil joey in her pouch. When the mum lent over to eat grass, the baby wallaby also leaned out of the pouch to nibble at the grass. Staying in the pouch! That was so adorable.
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