is an oxymoron if I ever heard it
Oh my stomach fat! I ordered a uniform... well... let me just say this. if you are a size 18, you are a stick size 18. Not the pudgy, extra layers that i am. Of course what makes this worse is... I wear a size 16 normally!!!! And now some icing... i have a pair of pants that are size 14 that fit on me fine and are almost baggy... Let me tell you about the belly of these pants. If i wear them where I feel comfortable, the material pokes out and I look about 5 months pregnant, which i assure you, i am not. so I pull the pants up to where they seem to be made to fit, and all I need is some braces and glasses and i can be mrs steve urkle.... To match my lovely pants i have a blouse, arms are just the right size to accomodate my wings. size 16 mind you. So from what i can figure, the perfect woman to fit in this shirt would have to have breasts the ee size, stick arms, and about 5 months pregnant, which is where it matches my pants. WHY is there no longer a size that is the same as the other sizes. I bought a pair of jeans that I love, which explains there current situation. I went to buy a new pair. they were all too small, that's right, size 16, 18, and 20. I was told I must have gotten a freak pair... no what it means is the person who makes these jeans think that when you put weight on, your waist stays, stick thin... but your legs and butt are big enough to park a mack truck on. Which reminds me, a pair of plus size size 16 pants I have, swim on my legs, the waist i have about 3-5 cms give. They are comfortable, well until I am busting to go to the toilet and I have to undo the two buttons, two velcro straps and zipper in a hurry . But they are fine, you would think a size 18 pair of pants would be larger than a size 16 pants, no matter what kind... but no... that is logical and we don't do logical in the fashion industry do we??
Now don't get me wrong, I know i have fat on me, in some parts too much fat. I accept this, I have the genes, low mood and plan laziness to have created it. Why though is it impossible to find clothes that say they are the size they are? I know I am pushing plus sizes. I am sure that people have seen the hour-glass body shape before! I am working on reducing my fat to muscle ratio. Now please will the fashion industry work on their problem with sizes?